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    Pulsed Light

    These works employ patterns generated by the internal, micro-motion of blood, breath or muscle tension to suggest hidden depths, like layers of strata, dislodged and forced to the surface by the turbulence of human emotions.

    Using a three-dimensional, holographic technique called interferometry, a pulsed laser recorded minute changes in movement as alternating bands of light and dark captured in two exposures 1 millionth of a second apart.

    Chasm to Consequence

    For a moment the whole world held us in grief, hovering on the edge of the knife.

    Chasm, the pulsed light image in this work, was in production during September 2001. The installation was finalized in 2008 as a response to the decisions and directions of the US Government in the intervening years.

    Chasm to Consequence, 2001 - 2008

    Installation with Chasm (2001) film on glass 14" x 24".
    The List, 110" x 40" scroll hangs behind with projected
    phrases. Pedestal with 6" glass lens magnifying matchbox
    from Windows on thee World, the restaurant at the top
    of the North Tower, World Trade Center.

    In left corner:
    The List, hanging scroll of terms coined by the George W. Bush
    Administration between 2001-2008. Each phrase is projected
    across the scroll, chronological from the bottom to the top.

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    All content © Sally Weber, 2014