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    Pulsed Light

    These works employ patterns generated by the internal, micro-motion of blood, breath or muscle tension to suggest hidden depths, like layers of strata, dislodged and forced to the surface by the turbulence of human emotions.

    Using a three-dimensional, holographic technique called interferometry, a pulsed laser recorded minute changes in movement as alternating bands of light and dark captured in two exposures 1 millionth of a second apart.


    This installation explores the relationship between the physiology of matter and the depth of mind. Inspired by the Sumerian legend, "Inanna's Descent to the Underworld", the figures suggest a progression from the oblivion of sleep through the depths of distress to emergence or release.

    Descent, 2006
    six images, film on glass, LED illuminators.

    Limited editions

    I. Terrain, 19"x 37" II. Fissure, 24"x 34" III. Crevasse, 29"x 18"
    IV. Fossil, 24"x 24" V. Laccolith, 27"x 25" VI. Pinnacle, 32"x 17"

    All content © Sally Weber, 2014